
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Ginger Root Heals Ailments

The vitamin ginger root offers you a lot of benefits, including the ability to treat headaches and common colds.  One of the most common uses of ginger root is the treat an upset stomach, something we all know and hate.  Normally in the form of flat ginger ale and crackers, this vitamin could fix even the most upset of stomachs - and fast to boot.

For the last few decades, ancient civilizations have used the vitamin in both cooking form and medicine form.  Although the technology back then wasn’t close to what it is today, the ancient civilizations knew that ginger root would help prevent ailments ranging from motion sickness to athlete’s foot.  With ginger root having anti-inflammatory properties, it can also make the pain of rheumatoid arthritis less intense.  Women that drink ginger tea have said that it helps them eliminate menstrual cramps completely.

What many people don’t know, is the fact that ginger root isn’t really classified as a root, but instead an underground stem.  Even though it is a very useful vitamin and supplement, it is harvested year round just like the hawthorne berry.  The harvests, which are obtained roughly five months or so after being planted, are used in the creation of products such as candied ginger and ginger syrup.  Harvests that are obtained later can be sold as fresh ginger.  The longer the ginger remains in the ground before being harvested, the spicier and hotter it gets.

Keep in mind that not anyone can grow ginger.  It takes a special type of soil, which means that it won’t grow anywhere.  It is normally grown commercially, in large harvests.  Ginger is always in high demand, as it serves a lot of useful purposes.  From adding spice to food to healing certain ailments, ginger root is easily one of the best vitamins around.

These days, you can buy ginger in the produce department of many grocery stores.  Ginger serves many useful purposes, including baking. It can be used with cookies and breads, or used to spice up your jellies and jams.  When you shop for ginger root, you should ensure that the gnarly fist like bulb is smooth, the surface hard to the touch, and the weight being somewhat heavy.  If the bulb is hard and light in weight, it won’t be as good.

When it comes to common ailments, ginger root can be great to have around.  It can be used with hundreds of cooking recipes, you can use your creative imagination to make even more uses with it as well.  Ginger is used in many fine dining restaurants as well, as it tastes great as a dressing on salads.  Serving a lot of healthy purposes, ginger root is one of the best selling items on the market - and easily one of the best tasting supplements out there.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Concerns During Pregnancy

There is nothing more stressful than to have something go wrong during pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if it is your first time being pregnant or your fourth. There are many things to be concerned about during your pregnancy and it is easier when you know what they are.

Vaginal bleeding- This may also known as spotting, but make sure that is what is going on. There is a difference between actively bleeding and spotting. Spotting is lightly bleeding kind of like your period, the blood can be red, pink or even brown. If you are bleeding actively with any pain call your doctor, if you can’t get a hold of him go immediately to the emergency room. Bleeding can be a number of things from implantation, ectopic pregnancy, labor, infection or even miscarriage. Always let your doctor know, so everything can be ruled out, you’ll feel better too.

Stomach pain or cramping- During the pregnancy it may be hard to decipher the difference between a growing pain and an actual stomach pain/cramping. However, if you do get a pain of any sort rest. After a few minutes if it doesn’t subside, call your doctor and describe the pain to him. Don’t worry about it if you find out you only had gas or were having Braxton hicks contractions, at least you know everything is okay with pregnancy.

Gush of liquid- This could mean you are in labor and that your water broke, however if it isn’t close to the time of birth it can be something else. Call your doctor immediately and head for the emergency room.

Dehydration-  While you are pregnant it is easy to become dehydrated, especially if you have morning sickness or just don’t drink those 8 glasses of water. If you find yourself pale, dry mouth or dizzy, you could be dehydrated and should be seen by a doctor. Dehydration can cause premature labor and/or distress on the pregnancy.

Painful urination - Could be a urinary tract infection, also known as UTI. This can be easily treated with medication or by drinking lots of fluids and cranberry juice. A urinary tract infection isn’t something to be embarrassed about, it is very common amongst pregnant women. The growing belly pushes against your ureters and makes it harder for it to flow through. Which of course can cause infection. Another way to find out if you have it is if you have a foul odor when you pee.

Pregnancies can be scary enough, there’s no reason to add to it. If you are ever in doubt or have a concern talk with your doctor. It is common that first time moms are worried about many pains that they feel.  Never fear calling because you are afraid of waking the doctor up or because you feel silly. Being silly might just save the baby. While you are worrying, you are only causing stress on you and the baby, find out what’s wrong and relieve your anxiety.