
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Ginger Root Heals Ailments

The vitamin ginger root offers you a lot of benefits, including the ability to treat headaches and common colds.  One of the most common uses of ginger root is the treat an upset stomach, something we all know and hate.  Normally in the form of flat ginger ale and crackers, this vitamin could fix even the most upset of stomachs - and fast to boot.

For the last few decades, ancient civilizations have used the vitamin in both cooking form and medicine form.  Although the technology back then wasn’t close to what it is today, the ancient civilizations knew that ginger root would help prevent ailments ranging from motion sickness to athlete’s foot.  With ginger root having anti-inflammatory properties, it can also make the pain of rheumatoid arthritis less intense.  Women that drink ginger tea have said that it helps them eliminate menstrual cramps completely.

What many people don’t know, is the fact that ginger root isn’t really classified as a root, but instead an underground stem.  Even though it is a very useful vitamin and supplement, it is harvested year round just like the hawthorne berry.  The harvests, which are obtained roughly five months or so after being planted, are used in the creation of products such as candied ginger and ginger syrup.  Harvests that are obtained later can be sold as fresh ginger.  The longer the ginger remains in the ground before being harvested, the spicier and hotter it gets.

Keep in mind that not anyone can grow ginger.  It takes a special type of soil, which means that it won’t grow anywhere.  It is normally grown commercially, in large harvests.  Ginger is always in high demand, as it serves a lot of useful purposes.  From adding spice to food to healing certain ailments, ginger root is easily one of the best vitamins around.

These days, you can buy ginger in the produce department of many grocery stores.  Ginger serves many useful purposes, including baking. It can be used with cookies and breads, or used to spice up your jellies and jams.  When you shop for ginger root, you should ensure that the gnarly fist like bulb is smooth, the surface hard to the touch, and the weight being somewhat heavy.  If the bulb is hard and light in weight, it won’t be as good.

When it comes to common ailments, ginger root can be great to have around.  It can be used with hundreds of cooking recipes, you can use your creative imagination to make even more uses with it as well.  Ginger is used in many fine dining restaurants as well, as it tastes great as a dressing on salads.  Serving a lot of healthy purposes, ginger root is one of the best selling items on the market - and easily one of the best tasting supplements out there.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Concerns During Pregnancy

There is nothing more stressful than to have something go wrong during pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if it is your first time being pregnant or your fourth. There are many things to be concerned about during your pregnancy and it is easier when you know what they are.

Vaginal bleeding- This may also known as spotting, but make sure that is what is going on. There is a difference between actively bleeding and spotting. Spotting is lightly bleeding kind of like your period, the blood can be red, pink or even brown. If you are bleeding actively with any pain call your doctor, if you can’t get a hold of him go immediately to the emergency room. Bleeding can be a number of things from implantation, ectopic pregnancy, labor, infection or even miscarriage. Always let your doctor know, so everything can be ruled out, you’ll feel better too.

Stomach pain or cramping- During the pregnancy it may be hard to decipher the difference between a growing pain and an actual stomach pain/cramping. However, if you do get a pain of any sort rest. After a few minutes if it doesn’t subside, call your doctor and describe the pain to him. Don’t worry about it if you find out you only had gas or were having Braxton hicks contractions, at least you know everything is okay with pregnancy.

Gush of liquid- This could mean you are in labor and that your water broke, however if it isn’t close to the time of birth it can be something else. Call your doctor immediately and head for the emergency room.

Dehydration-  While you are pregnant it is easy to become dehydrated, especially if you have morning sickness or just don’t drink those 8 glasses of water. If you find yourself pale, dry mouth or dizzy, you could be dehydrated and should be seen by a doctor. Dehydration can cause premature labor and/or distress on the pregnancy.

Painful urination - Could be a urinary tract infection, also known as UTI. This can be easily treated with medication or by drinking lots of fluids and cranberry juice. A urinary tract infection isn’t something to be embarrassed about, it is very common amongst pregnant women. The growing belly pushes against your ureters and makes it harder for it to flow through. Which of course can cause infection. Another way to find out if you have it is if you have a foul odor when you pee.

Pregnancies can be scary enough, there’s no reason to add to it. If you are ever in doubt or have a concern talk with your doctor. It is common that first time moms are worried about many pains that they feel.  Never fear calling because you are afraid of waking the doctor up or because you feel silly. Being silly might just save the baby. While you are worrying, you are only causing stress on you and the baby, find out what’s wrong and relieve your anxiety. 

Friday 13 September 2013

Shopping tips for the pH miracle diet

If you’ve read about the pH miracle diet and you’ve decided to give it a try, you have a few tasks ahead of you. Depending on how committed you are the program you may begin with clearing out your pantry and your refrigerator of all highly acidic foods. If you live with others who won’t be on the diet with you, you may just want to remove the high acid treats that you find irresistible. Either way, whether you do a “kitchen purge” or just remove a few items from your shelves, you’ll need to go grocery shopping.

Shopping for the pH miracle diet can be done at any grocery store, but occasionally people find it easier to get specialty items at health foods stores or natural food chains like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. However, if you live in an area where there is no access to these types of stores, you can still easily purchase the items you need at a standard grocery store.

Before you make your shopping trip, you’ll need to start a list of items. You don’t want to walk into the grocery store blind and try to remember what you need to buy. Some people like to work from the alkaline food lists in the book. This is a good approach if you have a lot of money to spend and just want to fill your kitchen with these foods. However, a better and more organized approach is to first make out a menu list for the following week. When you shop from a planned menu and the recipes that go with those meal choices, you’ll only buy what you need. Additionally, many of the foods on the alkaline list are fresh vegetables. You’ll want to make sure that you actually need them before you buy them so you won’t risk wasting money.

Remember, when you first start, your diet doesn’t have to be 100% alkaline. In fact, even on strict versions of the pH miracle diet a balance between acid and alkaline is recommended. So when you make your menu and your grocery lists, keep that in mind. Foods that are slightly and moderately acidic include bananas, whole grain pasta, dried beans, eggs, milk, nuts and wheat bread. There are many others and you can consult different resources on the levels of acidity in foods. Strive to have balance in your daily diet of 70% alkaline to 30% acid.

When you arrive at the grocery store, with your list in hand, you’ll notice that you will be staying along the outer rim of the grocery store. Generally, the foods along the walls are fresher and more natural than the foods within the aisles. If you think about it, all of the foods in the center of the store are processed and packaged. The outer edges consist of the produce section, the dairy section and the deli and/or meat counter.

Produce, especially vegetables, is going to be the primary focus on your pH miracle diet shopping trip. Buy organic produce if you have the means to. However, the real importance is that you buy the vegetables and use them in your cooking. If you have to use conventionally grown produce or frozen produce that is better than using no produce at all.

The only word of caution is to avoid canned fruits and vegetables. The canning process has negative effects on the alkaline state of these foods. There is also a lot of sodium in canned fruits and vegetables. If you cannot buy fresh, look for frozen. Many stores that do not carry organic fresh produce will have organic frozen produce.

It’s best to purchase balance of alkaline and acid foods as you get used to this way of living and eating. If you go cold turkey on your favorite foods and believe that you have to be super strict in order to be healthy, you will end up rebounding back to you acidic ways of eating. Strive for mostly alkaline to begin with, and then you can move further up the alkaline spectrum and eliminate more acidic foods.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Home Health Employment with a Nursing Assistant Certification

Many individuals who are certified as a Nursing Assistant become frustrated with the medical facility environment. The often have to work as scheduled including holidays, deal with internal issues among staff, want more pay for the work they are doing, and don’t feel appreciated.

Home health care offers a great alternative to Nursing Assistants who want more freedom as well as the opportunity to get to know those they are caring for on a more personal level. Home health care is exactly that, offering basic assistance to those who need it in the privacy and comfort of their own home. Nursing Assistants will be performing many of the same tasks including feeding, bathing, and dressing the patients.

Most Nursing Assistants interested in working for home health seek employment with a home health agency. These agencies contract with the patient or their family to offer them services to be able to remain in their home rather than an assisted living facility. However, Nursing Assistants need to be aware home health care agencies generally offer additional services that they will be required to perform including paying bills, running errands, picking up medications, and taking the patient to scheduled appointments. In addition, there may be cooking and light housekeeping involved.

Many Nursing Assistants love home health care because it allows them to develop a schedule that works for them and they get to know their patients. Home health care generally allows you to make your own schedule. It will be reviewed by your supervisor as well as checked with the patients. Every effort is made to accommodate all involved. It is very likely you can customize the schedule around holidays and other events, giving you those days off.

Getting to know your patients while doing home health care is a perk you don’t often get in a medical facility. You sometimes can if you work in a long term care facility, but even then time is often limited and Nursing Assistants have to run to complete the workload they are given. Getting to know the patients in home health care can make the job more enjoyable.

Since home health care takes place in a person’s home with very little supervision, the background check is more intense than what is done to work in a medical facility. This is for the complete protection of the patients. You will have complete access to their home as well as be interacting with them one on one. Therefore any time of issue on your background check can keep you from being employed in home health care.

Be prepared for a references and past employers to be contacted. Home health care agencies will be looking for more than the length of employment and your skills. They will want to find out if you are organized, motivated, and able to work on your own without constant supervision. They will be investigating your promptness as well as how often you call off work, as well as the reasons why.

This is because home health care agencies don’t have the volume of staff to cover your patients if you show up late or don’t show up at all. This can result in patients needs going unmet and them becoming upset. That could result in patients choosing to end their contract with that home health care agency.

Nursing Assistants are more likely to earn more at a home health agency than in a medical facility. On average $2.25 more per hour. They are also more likely to be treated respectfully by their employer and co-workers. They want employees to be happy as this will help keep them as quality employees. Patients do not like for their assistant to continually change. They don’t like having that many new people in and out of their home. The home health care agency has to properly balance keeping the employees and the patients happy.

Before accepting any employment with a home health care agency, take the time to research them with the Better Business Bureau and state Medical Board. You do not want to involve yourself with any agency that does not participate in proper procedures for care of their patients. It is important to report any such issues immediately.

Tuesday 10 September 2013


It is scientifically proven that the genes you inherit have something to do with high-rise cholesterol levels in the body.  The vast majority factor is due to lifestyle, saturated fat intake and calorie, poor eating habits especially without exercise, excessive drinking (alcohol enhance rise of cholesterol), and menopausal stage in women when estrogen is on the brink to diminish, and mostly with the senior citizens group.

Lowering Cholesterol Level is definitely gird to right-on-the-spot suspension to what's already been existing (bad LDL) that's exposed to some tolerating factors triggering fatal risk to life in the absence of any remedial measures.


Many people have the primary notion, by merely engaging in exercise, eating the right food without saturated animal fats, lard and dairy, it could be a total solution to treat high cholesterol levels.  Going thru these food lipid sources does not mean it instantly suspends the side effects to various cardiovascular diseases, and disorders in the artheroma degeneration relating to the arterial walls.

A research that would benefit a great deal to suspend the existing risk to high cholesterol level that calls for instant decrease is introduced from credibly efficient, and effective medication from reliable Medical Groups doing prescriptions of "Statins," the CRESTOR (rosuvastatin calcium), actual medicine to put to a halt on too high bad cholesterol levels down by 52%, at a 10mg. dosage, compared to the 7 mg placebo. 

Additional advantage of this statin type drug "Crestor," it increases the HDL (good cholesterol) by 14%, versus to 3% up HDL of the placebo.  Imagine, medicating to lower the LDL- bad cholesterol, and at the same instant working to increase the HDL-good cholesterol.  Its indeed significant pro-life saving approach-defense to a rise in the side effects disorders, and ailments that link to bad cholesterol.

The application of the medicine could only be fully administered by your licensed physician to qualify for a prescription.  Best inform your medical consultant about other things affecting your life and lifestyles, your pre-conditioned health status, and among other things; as, (1) liver, kidney problems, and woman-pregnancy, (2) excessive or non-excessive drinking, alcohol affects functions of the liver, (3) family history-line of high cholesterol cases, (4) if you're currently with problems on diabetes, thyroid functions, and hypothyroidism, recently been heart or hypertension attack victim, (5) have any problem other than these diseases that are associated with high cholesterol (6) of Chinese or Japanese ancestry, (7) taking over the counter medicines, "antacids," (8) also inform what prescriptions are you taking aside from all the rest.

Side effects may arise in the event you're taking the CRESTOR, like constipation, muscle aches, abdominal pain, weakness and nausea.  These are just mild symptoms and tend to go away in time.

The importance in maintaining normal cholesterol level is to get thru minimal access to fatty substances that are unsaturated.  A reliable research on the effect of "olive" oil for use in our daily cooking is best introduce in reducing bad cholesterol. 

On the other hand, the "coconut oil" from among several vegetable oils like sunflower, corn, soy, rapeseed, palm kernel, and cottonseed still excel as the best to be cholesterol reducing medium to bad cholesterol.  This is based on a report from Dr. P. Rethinam and Mohartuyo, Asian and Pacific Coconut Community press Released and quoted from the Jakarta Post, June 18, 2003.  All other things about the coconut oil are good advantage to health concerning cholesterol levels were contents in that PR issue.

Monday 9 September 2013

Kids Eating Healthy

Fast food is a big part of modern life these days,
making it very hard to teach a child how he or she
should eat healthy.  The cheapest and easiest foods
are those that are normally the least healthy.  If
you give your child the choice between healthy food
and junk food, you normally won't like the results.

Even though it isn't possible to get a child to like
all healthy foods, there are some ways to get your
child to try and hopefully like at least a few of
them.  You can be as creative as you like, as getting
kids to eat healthy foods can be a little harder than
you may think.

-  Sneak the healthy food in.  Even though it would
be great if your kid understood the importance of
fruits and vegetables, this isn't always possible.
If you can't get them to eat good food willingly,
there are ways to sneak them in, such as making
muffins out of bananas or apples, or pizza with
spinach on it.

-  Call fruits and vegetables by funny names.  You
can refer to broccoli as "trees", making them
more fun to eat.  There are many different names
you can call fruits and vegetables, even making up
your own if you prefer.  Most kids prefer to eat
foods that sound fun.

-  Make the foods taste better. Ranch dressing is
great for broccoli, while peanut butter is a great
topping for celery.  There are several combinations
for vegetables that can make them taste much
better.  You can let your child pick a topping
for a vegetable, even if it's something you wouldn't
normally like yourself.

-  Dress the vegetables up.  Just as much as calling
them names help kids eat healthy foods, making them
look funny also helps.  You can do this by making
funny designs on the plate, or setting them up to
look like people.  Although some parents don't like
their kids playing with their food, sometimes it
helps to get them to eat healthier.

There are several ways to make your kids eat
healthier, but to make them enjoy it also has to
be fun as well.  This isn't always an easy task,
because kids normally don't like foods that are
good for them.  It can however, be done with a bit
of creativity.  Hopefully, doing this will help
your child develop a love of healthy foods for the
rest of their lives.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Risks of Being a Dental Assistant

Having a career as a dental assistant is a great career opportunity. You will have the ability to work in the dental profession and observe many types of dental procedures taking place. In addition to assisting dentists and hygienists with the procedures you will have the opportunity to get to know patients as well as help them to feel comfortable before, during, and after procedures.

However, in this type of career, it is important that you are completely aware of the risks and take all necessary precautions to protect yourself. While it is very rare, some patients become upset and irate as a result of dental work. They may be afraid of the processes or not happy with the work. This can result in verbal or physical abuse taking place.

To protect yourself, make sure you are aware of the proper policies and procedures of the dental office you work in and follow them completely. Generally, the police will be called to take a report. Since most dental offices are very small, your communication skills are very important. Your efforts to de-esculate a situation can make the difference of how it plays out.

Most dental offices understand the importance of a good working relationship with all individuals. They work together to make the office environment fun, relaxing, a learning experience, and a place everyone looks forward to working at. Since we spend so many hours at work in the presence of co-workers, it is important to establish quality relationships.

Unfortunately, in some dental offices, Dental Assistants are treated poorly. Other staff does not show them respect or include them in things that take place both in the office and get togethers outside of it. There are reports of Dental Assistants who claim they were sent to get coffee for the other staff and other such tasks rather than being able to participate in the dental procedures. Other Dental Assistants have reported verbal and physical abuse at the hands of the other staff. They have been ridiculed for having less knowledge and even kicked for handing staff the wrong instrument.

It is important that you do not allow yourself to continue being the victim of such abuse as a Dental Assistant. If you are having problems with other staff, let the dentist know immediately. If the issue involves the dentist, immediately remove yourself from the dental facility. You should also report the incident to the State Dental Board for further investigation.

The possibility of being infected with a communicable disease is the biggest risk Dental Assistants face. Since most communicable diseases are transmitted via saliva and blood, it is obvious why it can be such an issue. All dental offices should follow proper procedures including always wearing sterile gloves during all procedures. Dental Assistants should always wear gloves if they are in the area of a procedure. Emergencies can happen fast where you have to reach into a patient’s mouth. You should always be prepared to help as well as have yourself protected.

If you believe you have punctured your sterile gloves, immediately change them no matter how small of a hole you believe you have made. This will help protect you against communicable diseases.

If you come into contact with saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids, immediately wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. Most dental offices have patients fill out a questionnaire asking about comunicable diseases. However, since the information isn’t verified, it is unknown if it accurate. Therefore, treat every patient respectfully, but always be prepared for the risk of infection from a communicable disease.

Friday 6 September 2013

Healthy Eating with Detox Recipes for your Body

You probably know by now what detoxification is and the ways that it can be done. A detox diet provides the simplest way to detoxifying yourself. A rule of thumb in detox diets: the more fiber and water, the better. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, beans and nuts. On the other hand, steer clear of caffeine, carbonated drinks, sugars like chocolates, alcohol and yeast.

Dr. Kiki Sidhwa recommends going on a monotrophic diet after a three-day fast. By monotrophic, we mean eating only one type of fruit for every meal. Example, for breakfast, you can eat apple. For lunch, try out oranges or pineapples. Eat until your hunger is satisfied. You can squeeze in a grapefruit juice at around 4 pm for your snack. And in the evening, eat only apples, pears, grapes or bananas.

Of course, this is just one of those do-it-yourself diet plans that you can take on when you’re on a detox program. For most people, however, detox recipes are the best way to go. These detox recipes are especially designed to provide you with the necessary nutrient in the body and at the same time, providing you with the necessary antioxidants and substances that will cleanse your body from toxins.
For more fluid intake, you can try Ginger Healing Tea with Turmeric. What you need are the following: 2 cups of water, ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger, ½ teaspoon of tumeric, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and lemon extract. To make your special healing tea, add powdered herbs to boiling water and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Strain the tea into a mug and add maple syrup and lemon extract. Stir and whalaaah--- you can start drinking!

For breakfast, you can try the vegetable super juice. This juice gives you the needed energy boost for your senses, wakens your digestive system and can keep you going until lunchtime. For starters, you need 1 whole cucumber, 4 celery sticks, 2-4 handfuls of spinach, 8 lettuce leaves. You can also add other green vegetables like parsley and fresh alfalfa sprouts. The process is easy and simple, juice all ingredients and add distilled water. You can also add lemon juice for better taste.

And now for lunch, try the Alkalising RAW Soup. All you need are 1 avocado, 2 spring onions, ½ red or green pepper, 1 cucumber, 2 handfuls of spinach, ½ clove of garlic, 100 ml of light vegetable Bouillon, lemon or lime juice and Bragg Liquid Aminos for added taste. Just like our vegetable juice, the recipe is simple and easy to do. Blend the avocado and stock to form a light paste. Add other ingredients and blend. And then you can start eating!

Our dinner treat is Warm Broccoli Soup. All you need is ½ avocado, 6-8 broccoli heads, 1/3 red onion, 1 celery stick, a big handful of spinach, inch of root ginger, cumin and bragg liquid amino for added taste. Lightly steam the broccoli for 5-6 minutes. After steaming, blend all the ingredients together and add garlic and pepper to taste. This is perfect for a cold winter night.

Feeling hungry still? These recipes are just few of the hundred other detox recipes available on the net. The key here is to pack yourself with enough water and nutrients to keep you going without ingesting a plateful of additives, sugars and food preservatives. So what are you waiting for? Start eating healthy!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Supplements And Your Health

A lot of people these days are trying to make their health better.  No matter where you turn, from TV to newspapers, you’ll see stories about people and how bad their health actually is.  Even though there are many different companies out there that offer vitamins and supplements and claim that they will change your healthy, you’ll need to research what they offer and sure that you aren’t just wasting your money.

If you are looking to improve your health, you’ll need to at many different vitamin supplements to find which ones are the best for you.  You should look at everything available, and not just try a few to see what happens.  Dieting is the ideal place to start, as it can make the most improvements on your health.  Dieting can change your body, and make you feel a lot better as well.

These days, a lot of people eat way too much sweets and sugar, choosing refined products over healthy food.  Even though it isn’t a bad thing to enjoy sweets and chocolate, you should never make a habit out of it.  You can still enjoy your favorite foods as well, although you should be looking at the healthy benefits of food as well and think of everything as a whole.

If you include healthy foods such as salads, vegetables, and fruit into your diet, you’ll be eating healthy.  Protein is also beneficial to your health, as it promotes the growth of your muscle.  Those of you, who are serious about eating healthy but are unsure where to start, should contact a nutritionist.  They will be able to tell you where to start, and how to achieve a healthy diet that will chance your life.

Even though you may be eating healthy or trying to eat healthy, you’ll probably find yourself wondering about vitamins and supplements and how much of an impact they have on your diet.  Dieticians are ideal to consult with these types of questions, as they can answer any questions relating to vitamins that you have.  They can also tell you which supplements are ideal to your health, and which ones you should include in your diet.

Different people will have different needs and requirements, making it essential to get advice from a qualified professional.  If you get the advice from a professional, you’ll know what you can add to your diet.  If you try to do it all yourself without the advice of a professional, you can end up not getting enough in your diet, or you could end up taking something that you shouldn’t be taken.

Exercise is also important to your diet and your health.  Although supplements and vitamins will go a long way, exercise will do a lot for your body.  If you exercise on a regular basis, and take the right supplements and vitamins with your diet, you’ll notice that you have more energy and you feel better than you ever have in your life.

Before you start with your new diet or rush out and buy your new vitamin supplements, you should always check with your doctor first to see if he has any recommendations.  You should also tell him what type of exercise you are planning on doing, and see if there are any complications with your health.  Getting a healthy lifestyle is always a great thing, although you should always consult with your doctor.  This way, you’ll know the best way to start and how to go about getting in the best shape of your life.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Stress Free Holidays During Your Pregnancy

Holidays can already be a stressful time, and mix that with pregnancy and hormones and you can be asking for trouble. I’m not meaning for just the pregnant woman either, anyone and everyone in her path.  Women already feel the pressure of having that perfect holiday for her family, which is probably why she decides to do 100 things at a time...stressing herself out in the end. However, she doesn’t have to have a stressful holiday. There are five ways to make your holidays something to remember.

Mark the Dates
Go out and buy yourself a calendar for the holidays. Post it up on the wall and start marking dates. You won’t need to stress out because you won’t be double booking yourself. This can also help you in preplanning, mark the day you should send out the holiday cards or buy certain items.

Choosing Your Activities
During the holiday season you are sure to be invited to a couple of parties.  It isn’t necessary to attend every one of them.  Decide which ones you’ll enjoy the most, maybe two or three and explain to the rest you’ll miss going but need some rest.

Choose Where You’ll Go
Whether you want to stay home for the holidays with your own family or go across country to be with the entire family the decision should be yours. Don’t feel guilty telling them you won’t be making it this year, explain you need rest and traveling isn’t very helpful. You may even want to extend an invitation for the family to come to your house instead.

Designating Jobs
If you’ve decided to have the holidays at your house you can still have a good time. Don’t forget that asking for help is okay.  No one expects you to do it all on your own.  Do you really have to cook the ham, bake the potatoes, make a cake, clean the house and set up the tree all by yourself? Designate others to help, they'll feel happy you’ve given them something to do instead of sit around waiting while they watch you do it all. 

Shopping Time
Shopping during the holiday season can be a nightmare that you don’t need to attempt while pregnant. It’s safer to just stay home during some of those sales. Instead you may want to try shopping online, not only will you be home but you can relax. The only thing you’ll need is a credit card and let your fingers do the work. You can even do all your holiday shopping early and have it delivered right to your front door. All you need to do is wrap it up and hide it in the closet.

Remember the holiday season is all about making memories that’ll last. You may be pregnant but you don’t have to sit at home the whole time stressed out, instead you can actually enjoy yourself with these helpful tips. Don’t forget to take a little time off to do something just for you, after all you deserve it.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Cancer and the pH miracle diet

One of the most important points of the pH miracle diet is that cancer can be prevented and reversed by applying the principles of the diet. Although these statements have caused some controversy in the world of health and wellness, many people credit the use of the pH miracle diet in reversing their cancer and improving their overall level of health.

According to Dr. Robert Young, the creator of the pH miracle diet, cancer is not a sickness or a disease as commonly thought. It is an effect of the metabolic acids that are built up in the blood and then released into the tissues. Cancer, according to Dr. Young, is actually an acidic liquid that spills into the cells, tissues and organs. It is not a mutation of the cells.

No condition happens without a cause. There are clear and direct causes for cancer, and as the pH miracle diet books show, the cause for cancer lies in over acidity. Diseases like cancer are due to systemic acidosis, which is extremely low pH (below 7.4). Any pH below 7.0 is considered acidic, and the lower the pH is the higher the acidity level in a person’s body is.

At the cellular level, your cells consume the food that you eat and produce metabolic acids. Those acids are normally expelled by the body through sweat or urine. When you consume a vast amount of acidic foods and lead a lifestyle that produces even more acidity, your body does not know what to do with the rest of the acid waste. When you eat highly acidic foods on a regular basis, your body simply does not have enough energy to get rid of the excess acids. They collect in the body, and create disruptions at the cellular level.

Metabolic acids are first kept in the blood and then they are kept in the tissues. When acid is kept in the tissue, it causes sickness, disease and cancerous tissues. Cancer is the acidic liquid from metabolism that pools in the body. It affects the cells around it and, like a rotten apple in a barrel, the effects spread from cell to cell causing disease. Cancer is not made of mutated cells. The cells themselves do not change form but they are limited in their function due to the presence of excess metabolic acid. There is no such thing as “cancer cells”; the cells are actually normal cells that have become highly acidic.

One of the most surprising parts of the relationship between pH and cancer is that tumors are in fact trying to help the body. They form in areas where the metabolic acid is becoming rampant and effecting cellular function. Tumors are your body’s attempt to prevent the spreading of the acidic cells to other parts of the body. The tumor is actually a signpost to where your body is collecting excess metabolic acid. Some people are genetically predisposed to collect metabolic acid in certain places. This is why some families have a history of, for example, breast cancer.

The tumors themselves are not the problem, but are just signs of what is going wrong in that part of the body. When cancer metastasizes, it is a sign of the acidic condition moving to other cells and making them acidic as well.

Cancer is not something that people get out of the blue. Cancer forming in the body is a sign of the choices that we make in what we eat, what we drink and how we live. An alkaline lifestyle that focuses on an alkaline diet and other calming behaviors will be much less likely to produce cancer, if it does at all. An acidic lifestyle and diet will be full of the pains of the build up of metabolic acid which can, in extremes, lead to cancer.

That is exciting news because it means that cancer is preventable and treatable. A cancer patient can start taking steps toward reversing the effects of cancer and preventing the spread of it. His or her alkaline centered diet may be more aggressive than someone’s who is just trying to get better overall health. However, by applying the principles of the pH miracle diet they can effectively reduce, control and eliminate cancer from their bodies.

Monday 2 September 2013

Duties of a Nursing Assistant

Most of us are familiar with Nursing Assistants, but we don’t really know all that is required for them to complete their work efficiently and of the best quality. Time restraints can often make it difficult to decide to do a job better or to get more done. Thus, having an outstanding work ethic is of the utmost importance.

Nursing Assistants must also have excellent communication skills. They are required to have interactions with patients, family members, Nurses, and a variety of other medical professionals. It is imperative that they are able to effectively reply and communication that needs to take place with these various types of individuals.

It is widely known that Nursing Assistants provide basic are for patients including feeding, bathing, and dressing. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when you take a look at all the various duties involved in being an effective Nurse Assistant. While the specific duties will vary according to the medical facility you work for, there are some that are found in most every one.

Bathing is generally either a shower or a bed bath depending on the level of care the patient requires. Personal hygiene including combing hair, brushing teeth, applying makeup, cleaning dentures all needs to be done for each individual patient. Shaving is also to be taken into consideration, and completed as needed.

Taking patients vital signs are a daily requirement of Nursing Assistants. Taking vital signs includes temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. This information that is recorded on the patients chart, and reviewed by the Nursing staff and other medical professionals.

For patients requiring assistance with eating, the routine can take 20-60 minutes depending on the abilities of the patient and how much food they consume. The Nursing Assistant needs to document the type of food and drink consumed and the quantities of each on the patient’s chart. Some patients will need to take vitamins and other nutritional supplements, also the duty of the Nursing Assistant to administer.

It is also the duty of the Nursing Assistant in many medical facilities to be responsible for getting those who can feed themselves ready to be taken to the dining area. This may just be having their grooming done or helping to lift them into a wheelchair and take them to the dining area.

Nursing assistants will need to change any bedding or other soiled materials if found on the patient. This is a case by case basis and will vary each day. While interacting with the patient, you will need to document their behaviors. It is important that you notify the Nurse on duty if you see any changes that are unexpected or not generally seen. You will be trained in what to look for.

Keeping a sharp eye for details will assist any Nursing Assistant with successfully performing all duties. Caring for people changes because their needs change as well as those you are caring for changes. How quickly you are caring for new patients depends on the type of medical facility you work for.

In addition to performing all of these essential duties, Nursing Assistants are responsible for providing emotional support to patients and their families. This can be helping patients feel comfortable with their surroundings, hanging a photo on the wall for them, or helping them compose a letter. Family members may want you to certain things for a patient such as braid their hair daily or keep their fingernails short.

Performing all the duties of a Nursing Assistant takes practice, dedication, organization, and a sincere desire to help others. It can be an exhausting effort on some days, and often a job no one thanks them for doing. However, for those who enjoy what they do and take pride in it, we need to stop and see all that they do in a days work. They provide valuable services to patients and the medical profession.